Unreal Blueprint

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[FXGEAR] Unreal Blueprint introduce

Learn how to use Blueprints, the visual scripting language for Unreal visualization projects. This course provides a solid foundation for understanding how to build in Unreal with Blueprints. Instructor Scott Pagano explores the fundamental concepts of Blueprints and builds up to creating functional Blueprint-based assets. He also covers the programming fundamentals of variables and events, shows how to flow data between different Blueprints for modular scalable system building, discusses animation Blueprints, and more.

[FXGEAR] Unreal Blueprint

Topics include:

  • How the Blueprint editor works
  • Working with variables
  • Creating custom events
  • Setting variables between Blueprints
  • Animating objects and material in Blueprints
  • Using keyboard and game controller input in Blueprints
  • Creating an animation Blueprint


  • Welcome1m14s
  • Whattoknow1m4s
  • Exercisefiles31s

1. BlueprintBasics

  • CreateBlueprint1m42s
  • CreateBlueprintfromactor2m34s
  • Blueprinteditoroverview6m17s
  • Componentswindow3m45s
  • Functions3m21s
  • Macros2m15s
  • Printdatatoscreen2m45s

2. BlueprintVariablesandEvents

  • Workingwithvariables2m27s
  • VariablesGetandSet4m55s
  • Createrandomstreams7m27s
  • Creatingcustomevents2m37s
  • CustomeventsbetweenBlueprints6m8s
  • Sendingdatatomaterials4m1s
  • Databasehubcommunication6m17s
  • GetandsetvariablesbetweenBlueprints5m7s

3. BlueprintAssetBuilding

  • CreateBlueprintwithassets1m46s
  • AnimateobjectsinBlueprint5m37s
  • AnimatematerialwithBlueprint5m16s

4. ControllersandTriggers

  • Keyboardandgamecontrollerinput6m54s
  • Gamecontrollernavigation,part13m48s
  • Gamecontrollernavigation,part23m39s
  • Gamecontrollernavigation,part34m33s

5. AnimationBlueprints

  • Triggerboxsetup14m32s
  • CreateanimationBlueprint3m3s
  • Createstatemachine2m25s
  • AnimationBlueprinteventgraph14m28s


Nextsteps 1m7s

  • 001 Welcome
  • 002 What to know
  • 003 Exercise files
  • 004 Create Blueprint
  • 005 Create Blueprint from actor
  • 006 Blueprint editor overview
  • 007 Components window
  • 008 Functions
  • 009 Macros
  • 010 Print data to screen
  • 011 Working with variables
  • 012 Variables Get and Set
  • 013 Create random streams
  • 014 Creating custom events
  • 015 Custom events between Blueprints
  • 016 Sending data to materials
  • 017 Database hub communication
  • 018 Get and set variables between Blueprints
  • 019 Create Blueprint with assets
  • 020 Animate objects in Blueprint
  • 021 Animate material with Blueprint
  • 022 Keyboard and game controller input
  • 023 Game controller navigation, part 1
  • 024 Game controller navigation, part 2
  • 025 Game controller navigation, part 3
  • 026 Trigger box setup
  • 027 Create animation Blueprint
  • 028 Create state machine
  • 029 Animation Blueprint event graph
  • 030 Next steps

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